

Consulting room & free space

Consulting room & waterbed space
疲れた体をリセットし健康にする、つまりゼロに戻すという意味で全体を白でまとめました。そして、「十」の漢字を雪の結晶にみたててピクトグラムとして使用 しています。
まず外装は既存入口部分の前に一枚の真っ白な雪の絵をたて、そこに小さ な 入口を切り抜きました。「十」の凸は陰を落とし 凹の穴から見える 中から の光や既存壁の表情は時間帯や角度によって 違う表情を
見せ、 まるで雪の 結晶がキラキラと揺らめくようにみえる でしょう 。
次に中にはいります。受付を通過し施術室に向かうと正面には大きなサイコロ状の「十」がころがっています。これは間仕切となるもので、4隅には医療器具と患者用の椅子が設置 されています。
それには雪をそっとかためたような質感をだすために人工大理石を使用しました。椅子にすわりながらふっと上を見あげると天井には大量のモビールがあり粉雪がやさしく舞う中にいるような浮遊感を 感じることができます。
Jyuzen Shinkyuseikotsuin
Location : 6-9 Yamadaminami Suita, Osaka 565-0823 Japan
- Ease Your Pain While In a Quiet Snow-Falling Room -
The Chinese word 十全 (Jyuzen), used in 十全鍼灸整骨院 meaning Integrated Osteopathic and Acupuncture Clinic, derives from the meaning of ‘complete cure'. It is to reset your body to a healthy condition: that is to say your body conditions go back to the way they first were, Point Zero. To represent this Point Zero, we used white as the entire color. The Chinese word ‘ 十 ' is compared to snow crystal here and used as a pictogram.
In the exterior of the building, a pure white steel snow pictogram, which has a small cross-shaped cutout (representing ‘ 十 ') as an entrance, has been placed in front of the existing entrance. Convexity of the cross shape casts a shadow and concavity of it creates different impressions of light coming through and the existing wall seen from the cutout while changing how they look depending on different time and angles. It looks like softly falling, glistening snow crystal. If you go inside toward the practitioner room through the reception, you will see some cross-shaped dices in front. They are used as screens to divide the room where medical equipment and chairs for patients are placed at four corners. The chairs are made of cultured marble to give softly-gathered-snow-like textures. If you look up without paying much attention while sitting in the chair, you will find many snow mobiles on the ceiling that makes you feel like you are floating in gently falling powder snow. Hope this place will help ease your pain during your treatment.
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